
All my series are comprised of stand-alone books, but since so many people have requested lists of their titles and order, I've put one together!

(And I'll confess, I didn't realize how many books I'd tied together until I made this list. Many of the series weren't proposed as series. I just wrote a book and fell in love with secondary characters, so I wrote them a book, and fell in love with secondary characters...)


Around the Square:

SignsOfTheTimesByDesignSweet Success

Signs of the Times, By Design, Sweet Success

Holly JacobsHolly JacobsMonarchs

Who's the Boss?
Royal in Hiding Monarchs in Flight


Heir Today Baby Tomorrow Glass Hearts


Harry's Pottery

Harry's PotterySlip and Fall
A View to a Kiln Slip and Fall


Hometown Hearts:

Romance Plus stories...
Love is Only Part of A Woman's Journey

Holly jacobsa speiclal kind of differenthomecomingsuddenly a father
something borrowedsoemthing bluesomething perfectHometown christmas

And check out a Hometown Hearts short story

Holly Jacobs

How to...


How To Catch a Groom

Reprint 6/19




How To Hunt a Husband
Reprint 8/19


Words of the Heart

Books About Family, About Love, About Life
Holly Jacobs

Carry Her Heart #1

Holly Jacobs

These Three Words #2



Holly Jacobs

Hold Onto Her Heart #3



Between the Words #4



PTA Moms:
3 PTA moms miss the 1st meeting of the year, end up on the worst committee and find not only friendship, but love!



Once Upon a Thanksgiving, PTA Moms #1



Once Upon a Christmas, PTA Moms #2



Once Upon a Valentines, PTA Moms #3

Or read all three PTA Mom books + a new short story in
The PTA Mom Collection!

Holly Jacobs


Cupid Falls, PA

Christmas in Cupid Falls, Holly Jacobs
Christmas in Cupid Falls #1

holly jacobsA Simple Heart #2

Cupid Falls is a new, stand alone series, but it's also tied to three other series (WLVH Radio Series, Everything But... Series, Nothing But...Series) Yes, Nana Vancy and a disc jockey from WLVH Radio, Where Love is More Than Just a Song are all back!)



Maid in LA Mysteries


Holly Jacobs

Buy the first four Maid in LA books in one
Bundled addition for 50% off what they'd cost individually.




Steamed: A Maid in LA Mystery #1

coverDusted: A Maid in LA Mystery #2

Spruced Up, Holly Jacobs

Spruced Up:
A Maid in LA Holiday Novella


Swept Up

Swept Up:
A Maid in LA Mystery #4


holly jacobs
Polished Off:
A Maid in LA Mystery #5



Holly Jacobs

Briar Hill Road


the moments

The Moments






Fairy Godmother
These were some of the first books I wrote...three rather inept fairy godmothers try to find their godchildren love!

holly jacobsMad About Max #1



holly jacobsMagic For Joy #2


Holly JacobsMiracles For Nick #3



Holly JacobsFairly Human #4





Nothing But...
A trilogy of short stories that combines the Everything But...series and the WLVH Radio series


Nothing But Love #1

Nothing But Heart#2


Nothing But Luck #3



Everything But...
Take a Hungarian grandmother, a wedding curse, then some mixed up matchmaking, and Erie PA will never be the same!

ebagEverything But a Groom, Everything But... #1
Avalon, 12/07
ISBN-13: 9780803498648


Everything But a Bride, Everything But... #2
Avalon, 8/08
ISBN-13: 978-0803499041


Everything But a Wedding, Everything But... #3
Avalon, 12/08
ISBN-13: 978-0803499249

Everything But a Christmas Eve, #4
Everything But..

Avalon Books, 12/09
ISBN 978-0-8034-9984-3

EBAMEverything But a Mother#5
Everything But...
Avalon Books, 2/12


Everything But a Dog #6
Everything But...
Montlake Romance, 12/12


Set in a fictional Erie, PA radio station with some of the quirkiest dj's and listeners around!

Pickup Lines Pickup Lines, WLVH Radio, Book #1
ISBN #0-8034-9704-0
Avalon Romance, 4/05


Love Handles Lovehandles, WLVH Radio, Book #2
Holly Jacobs
ISBN #0-8034-9724-5
Avalon Romance, 8/05


Night Calls Night Calls,WLVH Radio, Book #3
ISBN #0-8034-9764-4
Avalon, 4/06


Laugh LinesLaugh Lines, WLVH Radio, Book #4
Avalon, 2/07
ISBN-10: 0803498144
ISBN-13: 978-0803498143





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