
Romance Writers of America Honor Roll!!

HollysWoods Studio

Come visit my new
Pottery Store,
HollysWoods Studio.


Did you see Harry's Pottery on Jeopardy?

Harry's Pottery

On YouTube

A View to a KilnHolly Jacobs
#1 A View to a Kiln ... #2 Slip and Fall

The first three books in my 8 book Around the Square series:
Available for Kindle & Kindle Unlimited only.

SignsOfTheTimesByDesignSweet Success

Signs of the Times, By Design, Sweet Success

Who's the BossRoyal In HidingMonarchs in Flight
Who's the Boss? Royal In Hiding Monarchs in Flight

Heir Today, Groom Tomorrow Glass Hearts
Heir Today Groom Tomorro
Glass Hearts

A bonus Novella introducing a upcoming new book:

Holly jacobsa speiclal kind of differenthomecomingsuddenly a father
something borrowedsoemthing bluesomething perfectHometown christmas

And check out a Hometown Hearts short story

Holly Jacobs
Grab Your Copy At
amazonbarnes and nobleibookskobo

once upon a princessholly jacobsOnce Upon a King





And my first US Graphic Novels!

I have a new series of videos with writing pal,
Susan Gable. Climb in the backseat and join us as we talk about writing, books, life, books, family, books...uh, books. Trippin' with Holly and Susan

I went back to school and I'm having a Novel Freshman Experience. (Novel...get it? LOL) Of course I'm writing about it and other things in my blog. Check it out:

I went to Texas
and this is the reaction I got:


So many people have asked, that I've put up a list of all my series of book!

Everything But a Groom was named on of
Booklist's top 101 romances in the last ten years!


Interested in a speaker?

Holly Jacobs' Newsletter

"Debbie Macomber, Marcia Evanick, and Holly Jacobs
are other writers who like to bring 'em on home."
~Library Journal

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