
Book, Reviews

Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes
Holly Jacobs
by Holly Jacobs

Charlotte Damaris Eaton should be thrilled. After all, both her mother and almost husband-to-be, Winslow, keep telling her what a catch he is, and how lucky she is. But her almost marriage is missing ingredient...love. So, Charlotte calls off the wedding and hightails it out of the church and right into Daniel Martin's semi. Dan doesn't know what to do with his mixed up Cinderella, an almost-bride who is wearing her wedding finery and her tennis shoes. Dan's a quiet man with a life that's just the way he likes it. So why is he playing White Knight for Charlie? Even more importantly, why can't he get this princess out of his mind and out of his heart ? He knows he's no prince charming...nope he's a frog through and through.

Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes doesn't have a white charger for its prince, but a truck named Gloria is almost as good. And it ends the way all fairytales should end . . . with a happily-ever-after.

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Book, Reviews


"Once again, (Jacobs) uses wit and humor to tell a story that will bring laughs and chuckles to her fans. I couldn't believe how quickly 173 pages flew past my eyes. I can safely promise, you will have a grin on your face and a lighter spirit when you finish this read. (Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes) is an afternoon delight I highly recommend."
~ Carol Carter, Romance Reviews Today side by side
Review for Side By Side

Originally published as Side By Side
ISBN 0-8217-7160-4
Precious Gem, January 2001

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